Pay Less in Taxes

Are you a small business owner that’s in pain from paying high taxes? If so, you’re not alone. American taxpayers overpay to a total of about one billion dollars every year according to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO). Confusing tax forms, hidden deductions, and a tax code that never stops changing make it easy to overpay.We specialize in reducing tax liabilities and will recommend the right strategies to lower your tax burden so you can hold on to more of your income.

If you are like most business owners, you give your paperwork to your accountant or tax preparer at tax time, you scramble with receipts at the last minute, and hope for the best outcome. Most accountants do an accurate job recording your information, but the reality is there is not much that can be done to impact the results in any meaningful way during tax season because all you have asked your accountant to do is “record history”- which has already occurred.

In order to minimize taxes you have to have “proactive strategies”- meaning this has to be handled before tax season has started- You need a Plan!

It doesn’t matter how great your accountant is, or how many receipts you can find, if you aren’t working from a playbook, you are overpaying your taxes.

Our methods, are legal, ethical, and can save thousands. We are always interested in new opportunities to help business owners save money on their taxes and increase their personal net worth. Our recommendations are based on a 3 prong approach using the following tools:

  • Create a Tax Strategy (Plan)– after careful review of your prior year’s taxes and current financial information, we design a playbook for you to follow for the tax year to dramatically take control of your tax situation.

  • Monitor and Create a Tax Projection– prior to year end, we create a mock-up of your status and make any adjustments or changes needed prior to year end to get the full impact of benefits from your original Tax Plan

  • Tax Preparation– we prepare your taxes recording the strategies we implemented.

Find out how we can empower you to reach your financial goals! Call 678 528 2360 now to learn more about how we can create a customized Tax Strategy designed around your unique situation.


Artisan Financial Services, LLC. starts with a complimentary consultation to find out where you are and where you want to be. Call us at 678 528 2360 to get things started.